Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
Recruitment for the Post of Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalists /Chartered Accountants/Actuarially Qualified)
Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) in Life Insurance Corporation
of India (LIC)
No | Post | Vacancies |
1 | Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalists) | 400 |
2 | Assistant Administrative Officer (Chartered Accountant) | 100 |
3 | Assistant Administrative Officer (Actuarially qualified) | 030 |
Total | 530 |
Reservation for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes shall be as under :
Reservation | SC | ST | OBC | General | Total | PH |
Current Year | 77 | 41 | 135 | 265 | 518 | 15 |
Backlog | 07 | 05 | 0 | 0 | 012 | 04 |
Total | 84 | 46 | 135 | 265 | 530 | 19 |
Age Limit : Minimum Age shall be 21 years (completed) as on 1st March, 2009. Maximum age shall be 30 years.
Qualification :
AAO (Generalist) : Bachelor/Master’s Degree from a recognized Indian or Foreign University with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate in either of the Degrees which is relaxable to 45% in case of SC/ST candidates. If any University awards grades instead of marks, applicants should clearly mention the numerical equivalent of the grades in terms of aggregate marks.
Preference shall be given to candidates having professional qualification like CFA/ CS/FIIRM/MBA from recognized University or Institute.
AAO (Chartered Accountant) : An Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
AAO (Actuarially Qualified) : A pass in Seven or more Subjects (Papers) of the Examinations conducted by the Institute of Actuaries, London or the Actuarial Society of India (excluding Paper - CT9 – Business Awareness Module) as on the date of eligibility.
Emoluments and Benefits
Basic pay Rs. 11,110/- per month in the scale of Rs.11,110 - 540(14) – 18670 – 560(4) – 20,910 (under revision) and other admissible allowances as per rules. Total emoluments will be approximately Rs. 18,250/- in a city like Mumbai.
Application Fees (Non-refundable):
Application Fee of Rs.300/- shall be payable in Cash during cash collection hours at any Cash Collection Center of LIC Offices viz. Satellite/Branch /Divisional /Zonal Office of Life Insurance Corporation of India. receipt will be given to the candidates having Transaction No., Transaction date, branch Code & Miscellaneous Collection Number. Cash money can be deposited up to 08/04/2009 only.
How to Apply:
Candidates are necessarily required to register On-line for applying. Eligible candidates are required to log in to the designated website for submission of applications on-line.
While filling the ‘Fee Details’ in the online application form, candidates are required to enter and check the following:
a) LIC Branch Code (Upper Left Hand Corner of the Miscellaneous Receipt) – Maximum 4 characters (Alpha Numeric).
b) Miscellaneous Collection Number – Maximum 6 Digits (appearing in the shaded portion of the Box).
c) Transaction Number (Tr. No.) - Maximum 8 Digits (appearing on the Left Hand Corner of the Receipt).
d) Transaction Date (appearing on the Upper Left Hand Corner of the Receipt)
Apply Online. [Online application can be submitted between 23/03/2009 to 11/04/2009 only.]